
Church Ministries

We have 3 own churches and almost 80 churches are under our leadership and guidance. east pastors are working day and night to reach many souls

You can donate for a church

Pastors Support Ministry

We support 120 pastors every month, and donating 8$(Aprox 500 INR) for their little needs. pastors in our region are very poor and extremely hard to survive. please help us to donate more for our pastors

you can donate a pastor

Children Ministry

We are providing nutrition food for children. we travel to feed many orphans. we are planning to start a orphanage home for the children in our village if it’s Gods will, we will do it shortly

Sponsor a child

Open meetings and Evangelism

We like to share the word of God to many unreached nations. every month we conduct many gospel meetings to reach many people.

You can sponsor a meeting

Widows Ministry

as bible says “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” – James 1:27

Sponsor for widow care

Feed the need

We donate Blankets, food and Essential needs for the Poor and Homeless. it is very hard for us to show the count of our charity works you can visit our gallery to see all our activities. be a part of our ministry and together we can do more.

Donate food/Blankets etc.