
Who we are?

This is Angel from south India. about me, I was born in a christian family. my father is a pastor and my mother is a Nurse, My Parents are dedicated me to Lord before l was born. l grown up with dedication and passion towards God’s work. l was filled with HolySpirit from my childhood. i’ve seen many Miracles and Wonders in my very little age. as a child of God, I have very much intimacy with God, he guided me all my life. but at teen age I hated ministry work and God’s work because i saw how my parents are Suffering in ministry. i want to complete engineering studies and want to do a job. I saw many difficulties in my life after living without the Lord’s presence. then, I went to depression. then my Dad started talking with me then he remembered every prophecies God has promised me, then i realised everything, God talked with me ” I Have Chosen You”,

then i submitted my self to Lord, then i Baptised, Started working for My Lovely Father Jesus christ, I got one vision about my Life partner, suddenly i have a marriage proposal, my Dad, mom and me started praying and God accepted our request God said he is the Perfect Partner for you, he is a Pastor who is working for Christ at very young age, he is pastor Ananda kumar, so we are married together in November 15, 2018.

How we started this Ministry

After my marriage, God continuously hitting our hearts to do something for our neighbours to preach his gospel through deeds, we say Lord, we are very small in age, we are not talented too.. then how can we start this ministry? how can we do this? God said,

Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. 27 But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. 28 God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, 29 so that no one may boast before him.

1 Corinthians 1: 27-29
My Husband Ananda kumar preaching on our crusade 20-12-2021

after reading this, We sincerely Started ministry works we faced many problems financially and mentally. Today we have lot of projects to do but without having any proper support we are stopped to do, upto now we reached 1000+ villages and started supporting 100+ pastors every month, conducting Gospel meetings, crusades, donating cloths and food for people every month, all these things are going to spread Our Lord’s Love to world. we are doing everything “For His Glory”.

We encourage to join with us and lets work together be a partner with our great ministry. you can see our gallery, we put everything we are doing.. if God motivated you to join with us contact us and be a blessing to many. Thank you